As the clouds build in advance of the unexpected winter hurricane that will devastate the region the following two days, Winston Hawes, a young...

Steven Persen
Steven Persen

Steven Persen has enjoyed a successful career in business management, working for both small family, and multibillion-dollar businesses. He has been married for over thirty-five years to his first love, Sherri. They have two children and three grandchildren, which provide them countless joy.

After a career of conquering business while living in several different states, (Minnesota, Ohio, Kentucky, and Florida) he has returned to his beloved Ohio and turned his creative and analytical mind towards his love of history and writing.


          My life’s adventures started in Minnesota, and my favorite memories as a child revolve around life on a forty-acre hobby farm during my first thru fifth grade school years. In retrospect, I think this is where I developed an active imagination. As I got older, I identified with the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson, as my life during this time modeled Calvin’s pretty closely. If you haven’t had the pleasure of reading any of these comics, I would recommend you check them out. In my opinion, it was the best one ever written and will tell you a lot about me.

          As a young adult, I struggled to decide upon a career. I had a lot of interests, from being an architect, to minister, to business owner, but none of those worked out. During my brief stint in college, I found the woman of my dreams, got married, and had a family a year later. After leaving college early, I latched on to a job in the building materials distribution industry and built a career there.

          At some point in my adult life, I started writing as a hobby, more to relieve the stress of my job in management than anything else. Then something funny happened. I developed a passion for writing. It caused me to spend about ten years off and on, researching and writing about a shipwreck that occurred on Lake Superior back in 1885. This led to my first book, that was just published in July of 2024 called Fleeing Owen Sound. My second book titled Surviving Owen Sound, will be out next summer.

          As I kept refining my skill set and my storyline, I had a couple of aha moments. The first came from a sermon development class I had in college, where the goal was to leave your audience with one or maybe two things that you wanted them to leave with. The second was to focus on a theme or two to carry through my book, which adds another layer of complexity to the stories, characters, and motivations. I merged these two ideas together and adopted that into my writing style. 

          My hope is not only that you enjoy reading my stories, but that perhaps I could share something new with you, whether it is a viewpoint from a different perspective, or what life was like in another era, or just a piece of history that you hadn’t heard of before.